Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3-Day Detox Meal Plan

     Even though I try very hard to eat right and exercise every day, I (just like everybody) have my slip ups.  I love beer and pizza and ice cream and watching TV and napping and ...lol you get the point!  I definitely know the benefits of being healthy, but I am not one to give everything else up just because it has some fat in it or because I'll gain a pound.  My motto is "know your body and everything is great in moderation!"
     Every couple of months, Tory and I complete a 3-day detox plan.  It mainly consists of fresh veggies and fruits with an addition of oatmeal, fish, and spaghetti.  Below is our meal plan adapted from peaceloveandskinnyy.tumblr.com; sticking to the theme of fresh fresh fresh.  No processed or fatty/sugary foods!  It's difficult and you will most likely have a headache or stomach ache but it's worth it!  It's only three days!  You can do it!

**The only drink you can have is water!!!!  Very important!!!!
DAY 1: 
Breakfast - Fresh fruit (1/2 cup of strawberries, 1 apple, and 1 orange)
Snack - Green Tea and Lemon (NO SUGAR)
Lunch - Fresh salad with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice
Snack - Fruit smoothie (1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 banana, a couple tablespoons of natural/no sugar added OJ, and ice)
Dinner - 3 oz. whole grain pasta (measured dry) with 1/2 cup traditional marinara sauce and minced garlic

DAY 2: 
Breakfast - Fresh fruit (1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of blueberries, and a drizzle of natural honey)
Snack - Green Tea and Lemon (NO SUGAR)
Lunch - 1 cup of any flavor LOW-SODIUM soup and 1 cup of mixed fruit
Snack - Fruit smoothie (1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 banana, a couple tablespoons of natural/no sugar added OJ, and ice)
Dinner - 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice, 3 oz. of baked fish, and 1 cup of any steamed veggie

Breakfast - 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of skim milk, dash of ground flax seed, and a tablespoon of light brown sugar
Snack - Green Tea and Lemon (NO SUGAR)
Lunch - Fresh salad with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice
Snack - Fruit smoothie (1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 banana, a couple tablespoons of natural/no sugar added OJ, and ice)
Dinner - 3 oz. whole grain pasta (measured dry) with 1/2 cup traditional marinara sauce and minced garlic

The first go around will be tough!  From experience, it does get easier and the days will fly by!  The secret is fresh foods only and no extra drinks, sauces/dressings, or sugar.

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