Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

     With the new year comes new promises.   Everybody starts a workout plan or diet on January 1st and most are unsuccessful when February rolls around.  I know because I've been there!  It all sounds nice but I got tired of failing every year.   In 2014, I decided to change it up a little bit.  Instead of restricting myself, I'm going to motivate and enhance myself!
     As opposed to 'no junk food', 'no fast food', and 'no lazy days'... I'm trying to add three healthy habits to my life.  My resolutions are (1) to wake up ON TIME and ready to take on the day, (2) do something active EVERY DAY, and (3) make better foods choices ALL THE TIME.  These may sound silly but they're the things I struggle with the most.
     Waking up is my least favorite daily activity!  Ya girl can sleep!  I'm already not a morning person and being a teacher means early mornings and long days with few breaks.  I come home exhausted and some nights, I don't get the best sleep.  My first healthy habit is to avoid that snooze button and get out of the bed (lol).  This sounds simple but, trust me, it's much easier said than done. 
    I've been at this for seven days now and I've been successful.  I've found that I need a purpose for getting up... sadly going to work isn't enough.  Some examples would be making lunch or breakfast for us for the day, fold the last load of laundry, take Maverick on a short walk, style my hair (different from the usual just getting ready), or start something for that night's dinner (crock pot usually).  This gives me something to get up and do.  I've learned that no matter how tired I am, once I get up and moving, I really feel more awake and energized!
     So once I'm up and starting my day, that's where the other two habits come into play.  Making good food choices is actually pretty easy for me... most days.  I usually pack a lunch with healthy snacks and eat breakfast on the way to work.  But as I think about my classroom, I have several bags of candy, back up snacks for hungry kids, and fast food options out the ying yang!  This doesn't even encompass the struggle on the weekends.  Whether it's meeting friends out for the football games, drinks, or just ordering take out and delivery; it's easy to forget healthy choices.  
     We have started to really think about the food we consume and how it makes us feel.  We both track; I use Fitness Pal to count calories and Tory uses Weight Watchers to count points.  Even when we eat out, we try to make simple healthy choices.  Stay away from fried foods and fatty cheeses and cream products.  It's pretty difficult so we have started eating more meals at home where we can control the menu. 
     Although a healthy body starts in the kitchen, it doesn't end there.  You have to exercise.  My final healthy habit is to do something active each day.  This could simply be walking around the mall or grocery store for an hour or going outside and throwing the ball with Maverick.  Of course, a planned workout each day is ideal, it's not a must.  Life happens!  As long as we don't sit on the couch for hours, we're winning!
   Now for the motivation part!  It's nice and sweet to make these promises, but how do you hold yourself accountable and excited about making improvements.  I found that research shows 21 consecutive days as being the magic numbers for forming a habit (this goes for good and bad habits!).  Sooo that's where we set our goal and prize!  I put up 24 (just to be safe) small sticky notes and each day we BOTH stick to ALL three habits, we get to take one down.  I really like this!  I have to keep up my end of the deal or no matter how well T does, we can't pull a sticker (and vice verse).  Of course, any goal is best achieved with a partner/friend to remind and push you!  As of today, we have pulled 6 stickers; missing one for no activity one day this weekend :(  After the 24th day, we get to celebrate with something to be determined!

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