Monday, December 2, 2013

The Skinny Rules

     Today, I found a great list called the "Skinny Rules" from Bob Harper (the guy from the Biggest Loser).  It lists some doable things to help in weight loss and overall health.  Most of these things we already do.

Rule #1 is interesting.  We know that we need to drink lots of water but drinking right before every meal will help with getting full.

Rule #2 will be very difficult for us!  If you've read anything else on my blog, you know that I love beer (lol). Beer is very high in calories.  This is going to be the trick...keeping the beer drinking to the one allotted splurge day.

I admit that I had to do some research for some of these!  Rule #4 just means that we need to eat more whole grains.  I also looked up some foods that are fiber-rich for rule #5.  Check out this link from Dr. Oz for food choices:  Some are common in our house like spinach, broccoli, and whole wheat bread.  Others are not so common.  I'm definitely going to need my list the next time I go grocery shopping.

Rule #10 will also be difficult.  We use sweetener daily in our morning coffee.  I guess that's not very much...just one packet per day.  I'm gonna say that our one pack is ok :).

Rule #12 will be fun to do.  I get to research and try new delicious recipes!  We have decided to do "Meatless Mondays."  The first day of the week is always the hardest and the alliteration is fun!

     I hope that we can stick to these Skinny Rules and I hope that you will too!

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