Sunday, August 30, 2015

Second Trimester Adventures!

     It's has been a little while since I've blogged.  I've been very busy finishing out the school year and baking this new addition :)  I'm very happy to be firmly in the second trimester, with the nausea and exhaustion behind me.  As with my last pregnancy post, I'm writing on the date listed and will publish when I move into the third trimester.

**PSA** I also noticed that some of my pictures are disappearing!  I can't figure out why.  I'm trying to repost them, but of course, some have been lost in the cyber world.  I'll keep working on it :)

Wednesday July 1, 2015 (19 weeks)
    I am officially on summer vacation and it's a perfect time to focus on mine and baby's health.  I am working part-time and taking some professional development workshops for the upcoming school year.  Other than that, I'm spending a lot of time sitting on the couch with my feet up.
     My nausea is still completely gone (expect for the random upset stomach) and I feel much better over all.  I still get sleepy early or after an activity (summer camp, grocery shopping, walking the dog), but I've learned to just come home and relax for a while each day.
     Nighttime sleeping comes and goes.  I've been having some indigestion and leg cramps that keep me up, tossing and turning.  Luckily, I can lay around during the day to make up for it.  One thing that I strongly recommend for any and all pregnant women is a good body pillow.  I may not be getting the deepest sleep, but I can lay down comfortably and read or just relax.  I have a Snoogle (a C shaped body pillow), thanks to a wonderful friend.  You can get them at any baby/maternity or home store or order online through Amazon.  It has been a life saver!
     I have also started getting really itchy!  As my stomach is stretching and growing, my skin is so dry.  My awesome hubby (from recommendations at his work), got me some Momma Bee Belly Butter.  It is marvelous!  I think I'm addicted to it :)  I use it twice a day; morning and before bed.  My skin is moisturized and has stopped itching for the most part.

     In other news, my appetite has most definitely increased!  I eat allllll day long.  I make very conscious decisions about the food I eat.  I plan for high protein, high calcium, lots of vitamins, etc.  I haven't gained much weight but the doctor says that baby is developing as planned.  Some snacks that I'm really loving right now are: cheese, yogurt, applesauce,  homemade fruit and yogurt smoothies, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
     Speaking of baby and the doctor, we had an ultrasound at the end of June and baby is a BOY!!!!  We are very excited :)  We had some friends over that weekend to announce and it was awesome.  His name is Bryce David Thompson and we already love him to death.

I absolutely love hubby's reaction when we opened the envelope :)  Can you tell he wanted a boy???
Friday July 24, 2015 (23 weeks)
     Summer break is moving along quickly and baby Bryce is growing just as fast!  The biggest change is the size of my belly.  I'm gaining around one pound a week; with a total of 15 pounds gained.
     Unfortunately, with a growing belly comes tighter clothes.  I have purchased just a few maternity outfits.  I really don't want to spend a lot on new clothes that I will only wear for a few months.  Most of my existing tops still fit; I don't wear tight clothes and that's working to my advantage here.  I have also learned a great pants-widening trick.  Simply slip a hair-tie through the button of jeans or shorts to give yourself an extra couple of inches.  The extra room will stretch with the hair-tie for a little while.  Of course, you need to wear a longer shirt to cover up the "secrets," but it works like a charm!
     Aside from this little trick, I've found some absolute maternity must-haves for a pregnant summer in Florida.  Check those out here.

This picture was taken several weeks ago before the big belly starting growing.  It is still working!
     Another exciting change is feeling my little nugget move!  It's still very light because he's so small, but very fun and comforting to know that he's doing his baby things.

Sunday August 16, 2015 (26 weeks)
     Well, the belly is still growing!  I'm up to 20 pounds gained!  My goal at the beginning was to hit 35 pounds when all said and done.  I think I'm going to be right on the money.  I starting to feel the weight in my lower back and hips, so I try to stretch a little bit every day, usually right when I get up in the morning or before my shower at night.  I have learned that the warm (NOT HOT) steam and water really helps loosen up sore muscles.  I've also started a little workout routine, in addition to walking. I haven't been very consistent.  But I try!  I'll post it soon....
     Summer is quickly coming to an end.  I can't believe that teacher planning starts TOMORROW :(  It's always bitter sweet.  I enjoy the summer off but I love my job and am excited to get in and working (and of course, getting paid again is a bonus lol).
     In baby news, Bryce is growing as planned and all tests have been negative.  We have gotten some baby furniture and necessities, thanks to gracious parents AKA first time grandparents.  The baby shower and diaper party planning has fully commenced.  
    Bryce has become very active, almost all day long.  I love feeling him swim, kick and jab.  Sometimes it's uncomfortable and catches me off-guard, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
     Appetite is still increasing.  I think about food all day long.  I still watch what I eat and try to get veggies, fruit, dairy, and water in every day.  Some things that I'm loving: ice cream, peanut butter and jelly, smoothies, grapes, hamburgers and fries (oops), and Ranch dressing.

Sunday August 30, 2015 (28 weeks)
     I'm officially out of the second trimester!  It's crazy how fast time is flying.  Before we know it, Bryce will be here (ready, or not).  The biggest difference now, besides my belly and weight gain, is my hormones.  Little things have really started aggravating me.  For example, I'm over constant questions of how I'm feeling.  I'm also over slow, lackadaisical working.  I've always been "task-happy" but recently I find myself thinking, let me do your job too so I get out of here!  It's sad!  I've started just making my to-do list and sticking to it.  If it's not my job, I don't even notice it.  I haven't gone crazy at school yet (fingers crossed)!  Just breeeeaaathe.....
     I have started my bi-weekly appointments at the OBGYN.  Everything is moving along well with no major setbacks or struggles (knock on wood).  I won't have another ultrasound for a little.  I'm kind of torn about this one!  I understand that doctor's/nurse's know what they doing, but I want to see him!  How do I know he's still perfect?!?!  Anyways, they always do the heart Doppler, so I guess I'll just close my eyes and imagine him for now.
     Lastly, football season is finally here!  Only a few more months and we'll have a new team member to share these moments with.  I can't wait to show him off in all his Gator orange and blue!  Professional football teams will have to wait, though.  Our house is divided and Bryce'll be in charge of that decision (although Jaguar teal is a very handsome color ;).
     Thanks for reading!  I'm will start working on the next tri-chapter of this adventure ASAP!

Maternity Must-Haves

     Often times, people (not just the women) get wrapped up in the baby and completely forget about the mommies.  Don't get my wrong, the baby is the centerpiece but the mother-to-be is the table.  One thing I've quickly learned in my experience as a first time mom is that it's just as important for the me to be healthy and happy as it is the new arrival.  With that comes maternity clothing.
     I have never been a designer wearer or high end shopper.  I honestly never gave "maternity" clothing much thought.  I figured that I would wear looser clothes for a couple of months and call it a day.  Boy, was I mistaken!  Once I hit about 23 weeks, EVERYTHING became uncomfortable!  Even the thought of putting on clothes was tiring and aggravating.  Nothing fits right and with the summer heat, nothing is cool enough.  Sadly, we must wear appropriate clothing in public (contrary to some beliefs...but that's a whole other soap-box).
     I have been able to, luckily, stick to my guns and not buy much, but some things are just necessary (for my comfort and sanity).  I also try to buy non-maternity specific items, or things that I can wear after baby.  Obviously, pants and shorts are special, but tops, dresses, and skirts shouldn't have to be.  Of course, this whole idea depends on your personal body type and style.  I've worked hard to stay healthy and not gain extra extra weight.  The recommended healthy gain is 25 pounds.  I'm shooting for a total of 35 to be safe.  This really helps in the shopping department.  The smaller I stay, the easier to wear "regular" clothes.
     ***Disclaimer***  Some people have commented that I'm "starving the baby because I don't want to gain weight."  That is not true!  According to my OB, I'm growing and Bryce is growing exactly we should be.  I know myself and what healthy is for me.  Listen to your doctor for guidance here.  Every women is completely different and every baby is completely different.  You don't need to gain a literal extra person to have a healthy pregnancy.
     (Now back to the happy stuff!)  Here are the things that I couldn't live without as Bryce grows and I stretch!

1. Cotton skirts:  I have this knee-length and one maxi, both in solid black.  They are perfect are "dressing up" comfortably.  Neither of these are from the maternity aisle.  They stretch with me!

2. Sandals:  Depending on how much time you spend standing, shoes are going to become very important.  My feet have started swelling just a little but not too much.  Most of my sandals are still easy to wear and many can be loosen up if need be.

 3. Cotton shirts:  Target has a great collection of multi-colored crew and v-neck tees.  They are also pretty cheap!  I went and bought 5-6 in different colors at a size or two bigger than my regular medium.  Very loose and stretchy but also thin and comfy!

4. Dark maternity jeans:  I purchased two pairs of maternity jeans; one straight-legged and one skinny (seen here) from Zulily.  I bought both in a dark wash.  This particular pair has the full panel belly wrap.  The straight-legged is just the partial lower section.  I don't really have a preference.  Sometimes the full-panel is too restricting or hot.  I simply fold it in half.  I have noticed that the panel does provide some back pain relief.  Maybe it's the compression and support, or maybe it's all in my head :)

5. Flats:  If I'm on my feet for more than an hour or two (shopping, walking around, working, etc.), sandals sometimes don't work.  Simple ballerina flats are my next best option.  They are comfy and stretch a little with my giant feet.  Of course, this only works with the thin pliable variety.  Thicker, more formed flats are not be the same.  When it comes to pregnant feet, you'll learn quickly what works and what doesn' me!

6. Tank tops:  With the summer sun high in the sky, I have turned to cute and simple ribbed tanks.  The ribbing actually allows for some stretch without that stretched-out, screaming look.  The top above is actually from the $5 table at Walmart...and yes, I went back and bought a total of five; in patterns and solids.  I think I may be obsessed.  The patterns are cute and the actual shirt is comfortable.  I now have a habit of walking by during a "grocery trip" to see if they've added any new colors!  Again, these shirts are not maternity specific, I just buy a size I grow I will buy two sizes up...etc.

*Maternity jeans from #4...yes, I wear them more than once in a wash cycle sometimes.  I only have two, remember :)

7. Sports bras:  Another item that will become very important in maternity life is the bra.  With a growing baby and belly, comes the ever growing boobs.  They are, remember storing up all of the milk and nutritious little T will need in the early months.  Everybody is different and I have been super sore and uncomfortable.  I found that simple loose sports bras are my new best friends.  Yes, I have two "regular" bras (in enormous sizes), but I'm most comfortable in the thin cotton variety.  You'll find what works best for you!

8. Leggings:  We already know that yoga pants and leggings are way more comfortable than real pants.  This is extra true when pregnant.  Take advantage of it!  I wear them all the time with longer shirts.  My husband told me recently that when you are pregnant, you can wear whatever you want.  No one will question your fashion sense.  Well, thanks honey!

9. Tennis shoes:  As I said in #5, shoes are really important, especially for mommas who spend a lot of time on their feet.  Some people disagree with me, but I find my Nike tennis shoes to be a great option for shorter times of standing and/or walking.  I do notice that I have to sit with my feet up or take the shoes off when my feet start to swell.  Tennis shoes are not the most forgiving and provide great support (which, in turn, helps with knee and back pain).

10. Shorts:  Along with my two maternity jeans, I purchased one pair of shorts.  These are from Zulily and have the full panel.  They are very comfortable and are perfect for a hot summer day.

*Same as #3 just a different color :)

11.  Cotton dresses:  I have always been a fan of cotton maxis or knee length dresses.  They are thin and comfortable but also stretch when needed.  The maxi dress pictured is from my original closet, but I have since purchased several others.  These I can then wear after baby!